
First Tropical Storm of Season Signifies Importance of Emergency Preparedness

“Yesterday, the Miami Herald reported that Tropical Storm Arthur, currently moving along the coast of Florida, could become the season’s first named hurricane of the season as it moves up along the eastern coast of the United States. Right now, the slow-moving storm, with its 60 mph winds, is about 100 miles off the Florida coast and is moving away from the state at about 6 mph. A hurricane watch has been issued for North Carolina. The US National Hurricane Center is monitoring the storm as it moves north. If Tropical Storm Arthur becomes a hurricane it “”will arrive a week before hurricanes typically form in the Atlantic“” according to the Miami Herald.

Summer, for all of its sunshine and vacation days, presents some of the most hazardous weather and situations for the United States. From coast to coast, from late spring to early fall, the country experiences high potential for disaster with tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires and floods. Being prepared for these disasters is of the utmost importance when it comes to surviving them.

As a worldwide leader in the production and distribution of meals ready to eat, we help individuals, emergency preparedness agencies and municipalities be ready for disaster situations. Our mre wholesale products, Blue Line, is specially developed to deliver nutritiously-dense calories quickly and conveniently allowing those in need to be fed properly. Prepare yourself for possible emergency situations wherever you live by having a full supply of meals ready to eat on hand at all times.”

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