“Many people like living life on the edge. Engaging in adventure sports and outdoor activities is an important and a very fulfilling part of their lives. Outdoor activities are fun, exciting and provide the thrill that people enjoy the most. Lying under the pursuit of adventure is a realm of dangers and risks involved in outdoor activities, even if the participants do not recklessly put themselves in harm’s way. Therefore, it becomes extremely important to analyse and study your needs and the requirements of the outdoor activity before you participate in them.
Activities such as mountaineering, hiking, trekking and camping are exciting, especially for people who like exploring nature, according to their rules. These activities involve going to secluded places in the depth of nature that remain uninhabited by humans. You get cut off from the real world in every sense. There are hardly any cell phone signals thereby disabling you from contacting your families, at least for a few days. The only human beings you see are the ones who themselves are doing what you are doing.
Mountaineering is the sport of mountain climbing. It can also involve ski mountaineering, rock climbing and crossing glaciers. The sport involves reaching the topmost points of big unclimbed mountains. Depending on the distance, the height of the peak and the route you take it can last for days, weeks and sometimes months. Depending on the route you choose: rock, snow or ice there are three different types of mountaineering rock craft, snow craft and skiing. Once you start your expedition from the base camp all you see is vast stretches of snow-covered mountains and the deep endless abyss of valleys. Considered as one of the most dangerous activities in the world mountaineering requires immense athletic ability, preparedness, both physical and mental, experience and the technical knowledge. They help in keeping yourself and your companions safe from the dangers that may befall during your journey.
Mountaineering requires you to prepare yourself with your itinerary, layers of clothing but only enough to protect you from cold not to slow you down and tire you and most importantly, food. Your expedition may last for a couple of days and nights. It’s physically and practically impossible to keep climbing for entire 24 hours. You have to set up a camp at night and prepare food to refill your energy bar. Hours of climbing at a stretch leave you with meagre energy to cook food. Climbing in regions where the temperature falls below the freezing point is extremely tiring. What you take along with you, food and clothing is strictly calculated. You may have a little extra food, just in case you need it in case of an emergency but with such low temperatures it becomes impossible to consume it without heating it. At times due to an unwanted turn of events, your expedition may last for more days than you had planned. You are bound to run out of food, the only source that keeps you moving. With the increase in altitude, the oxygen level falls, and people suffer from altitude sickness. Blood pressure decreases beyond the admissible limits, in which case the person immediately needs to be given high energy drinks and food.
Food is an essential source of energy but carrying canned, and other packaged food can only take you so far. If you plan to carry canned food, then the heaviness can weigh you down. MRE also known as “”Meals, Ready to Eat”” are very crucial in these situations and many others that may be graver and excruciatingly life threatening. One of the biggest advantages of MRE is its portability. MRE packets are light in weight that makes them extremely easy to carry. They are full of nutrients and calories and are ready to serve you with a plate full of energy, any time you need. A single packet of MRE contains the ration for an entire day i.e. three meals along with an eating utensil (a spoon or a fork) making them very easy to consume. When you feel hungry all you have to do it is open the packet and eat up, no need for setting up a camp or building a fire.
At higher altitudes when the temperature begins to fall at a rapid rate, our blood pressure also reduces. Consumption of food makes way for metabolic activities in our bodies. Food produces the necessary internal heat (also known as thermoregulation) and maintains our immunity in an extreme climate. At higher altitudes, the food may not go stale but due to freezing temperatures it won’t be ready for consumption unless you heat it. At times, you may not have the energy and the time to build up a fire. There are special MREs that come with a self-heating feature. As soon as you take them out automatic heating is activated. Hot food on a cold day is not just comforting but also helps in maintaining the necessary blood pressure, internal heat and protect us from acute mountain illness, hypothermia, etc. MREs are hermetically sealed. They can also be heated by simply putting them inside your coat. They are rugged and resistant to extreme conditions. This quality helps in maintaining their nutrition level.
Hypothermia is another condition that may affect your health considerably, especially at higher altitudes. A potential fatal drop in core body temperature is the main characteristic of hypothermia. It occurs in cold weather when you are wet. Hypothermia can cause impairment in judgement, confusion and irrationality. It also increases the risk of other injuries. This condition requires restoration of body heat. Apart from sufficient clothing, thermogenic food also plays its part in increasing the body heat. In such situations of emergency, MREs can play a very significant role. Flameless heater pouches and the superior food technology keep the food edible and nutrient-rich for long periods of time. Thus, MREs can be very useful in overcoming extremities.
Hiking is another outdoor activity that is equally risky. Hikers are hardcore adventurers who love exploring the unexplored lands of nature. As a hiker, you need to have a thorough knowledge of survival tricks because there is a possibility that you may get lost during your adventure. There are chances that you might not be able to establish contact with anyone. The only chance for you to get back to civilization is if you find a way out for yourself or if someone else rescues you. MRE is a blessing in such a situation. MREs in your backpack will ensure that you are on your feet. You might think that this is a very extreme situation that may occur if you’re doomed to die. There are many other situations that may not involve getting lost in the land of unknown, but the need for having MREs remains ever high. Hiking involves walking for long distances. In a warm and dry weather dehydration may occur. It incapacitates the adventurer rapidly. Sweat evaporates so fast that you may not notice the amount of water your body is losing. Therefore, it’s important to carry enough water to avoid dehydration. Dehydration can also lead to a heat stroke. There are MREs that come with water packets. They have enough water to keep your body hydrated on a daily basis. Dehydration removes not only water but also salt. To maintain the salt level of the body consumption of salty snacks is important. A single pouch of MRE, along with meals for the days, also contains snacks. Carrying such variety in a single backpack is not possible unless it’s an MRE.
Walking for long distances implies carrying what is necessary. Anything extra is nothing but a burden that’s drawing the much-needed energy out of you. If you’re carrying canned food, you’re only carrying half the food that you can carry and in double space. If you’re hiking in a warm place, canned food too might not last as long. You won’t like it if you want to hike a little more, but limitations in terms of necessities such as food and water are holding you back. There are MREs that can last as long as a year. MREs are hermetically packed and sealed which guarantees the retention of the same level of their nutritional value whenever consumed anytime within the mentioned limit.
If you are deprived of food for several days, you may become malnourished. Malnourishment impairs judgement and leads to death within a few weeks. The dearth of food can also lead to low blood sugar. MREs are made keeping the needs of an average human body in mind. Carrying MREs make sure that your body gets the nutrition that it requires on a daily basis.
MREs are made to make sure that you are eating healthy and nutritious food, even if you are not at home. From full meals to snacks, cases to flameless heaters, three months supplies to long-term supplies there is no need that an MRE leaves unattended. Prepared to withstand extreme wear and tear, extremely space effective, and hermetically sealed, an MRE will make sure that if you are embarking on an adventurous journey you have enough food to maintain your health. Knowing the survival tricks well is the mark of a true adventurer. Keeping yourself fit and healthy is one of the most important survival tricks. You have to be smart to do something that’s risky. MREs defy the stereotypic packed food. With quick and easy meals that are rich in minerals and vitamins you can easily cope with the rough surroundings are an extremely integral part of an outdoor adventure.
There have been numerous instances where people on outdoor adventures have lost track of where they are. Days passed before they could figure out the correct way and get on track. Sometimes it was the rescue teams that came to their help. Life itself is an adventure and if you’re going ahead to create one of your own you have to be prepared to survive even in the worst conditions. MREs play a major role in preparing you for extremities. They ensure that you will have enough to keep your body going even if things go haywire. As long as your body is up and about, there’s nothing that can stop you.”
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