
The 8 Rules for Winter Camping

“Not everyone enjoys camping in cold weather. Those rare few who do enjoy that tend to love the experience absolutely.

Successful camping in the winter is all about using the right gears, embracing a positive attitude, and following these fundamental rules:

Rule #1: Warm your body before sleeping
Camping gears and sleeping bags can only do so much when it comes to making your body warm during a freezing weather. It is infinitely easier to find warmth when you do some sit ups and other exercises before sleeping. As in that case, heat is originated from within.

Rule #2: Eat the right foods
The human body converts fat to sugar, and then sugar to heat. So instead of eating just any food, foods that are rich in fat should be consumed. Foods that provide sugar for the body for a long duration, like pasta, butter, for example. Can significantly help a person maintain energy and warmth, even in freezing conditions.

Rule #3: Pack the floor hard
Before you set up a tent, packing the snowy floor where the tent will be set up is essential. Packing can be achieved by directly tramping hard on with your boot or snow shoes. It can take time and effort, but the step is not one you can ignore. If you neglect it, you risk the possibility of the tent floor breaking at some point.

Rule #4: Do not wear wet clothes
Wearing wet clothes in cold weather is one of the worst things you can do concerning your health. Bringing extra clothes is important so that you can change clothes anytime when that is required.

Rule #5: Start early morning
Starting your journey as early as possible is something you want to do. That is because most winter days are short. You certainly do not fancy to reach the camp site after it gets dark.

Rule #6: Use a metal box
Plastic containers may develop tears in cold conditions. So, keep all matches and valuables inside a metal box. Also, bring more matches than you expect to use.

Rule #7: Use boiled water
Put boiled water inside a water bottle; then cover the bottle with a sock. Then put it inside the sleeping bag. That will make you warmer. Also, in the morning, you will have access to drinking water that is not freezing.

Rule #8: Avoid cooking inside your tent
Cooking should be done inside tarp with ventilation. If you cook inside your tent, you may face monoxide poisoning.”

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